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Review of the Second Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Trailer

Its not about the endings. Its about the beginnings. The beginning of the amazing show Star Wars rebels of its ending. And that is what was exactly brought to us on Saturday, September 2nd. (I know this blog is late)

After spending countless hours of watching the trailer, and letting it sink in, and start to theorize what is going to go down in the last season of rebels, and what emotions will be toyed with us. (Thanks Dave)

There's a lot to discuss and weigh in on. Who will make it out alive? Who will die in a heroic way? What major events will happen to shape the rebellion? Whats the empire next move? What is exactly best way for Ezra and Kanan to fight?

Thrawn, The Empire, And Krennic

Before you go off your socks be warned that Krennic WILL NOT make an appearance in Star Wars Rebels season 4. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Dave Filoni said that he wouldn't.

“Name-dropping,” Filoni said of the reference. “It’s always fun to make it feel like it’s part of this big world… But the cape alone would be half my budget, just to make it flow.”

So what does this mean for Thrawn? What kind of end-game does he have in mind? From gathering information and how hestiant the rebellion was to go open warfare with the Empire in rogue one, suggests he did something big. In a panel with,Timothy Zahn and Henry Gilroy, they said that Thrawn will play an instrumental part in the lives of the Rebels in Season 4.

Thinking about that alone gives me a pit in my stomach.

Then theres the little creepy crawly Ruhk.

Kanan And Hera

We need to obviously cover Kanera. As someone yelled 'finally' at fan expo, yes its about time. As it was obviously they had something we saw in the first scene in rebels. We know they have a long history beyond, in the new dawn, it was clear that Kanan had feelings for Hera.

But as Hera was more focused on the rebellion. Now with her ascending rank in the rebellion, and he starts to admit those feelings. And we've seen that almost kiss scene at the expo. But as a Jedi what does this mean for Kanan? As the orthodox Jedi they weren't allowed to form attachments. Look what it did to Anakin to try an save Padme. Does this mean that there will be a doomed love for the end? As we know that Hera will survive in Rebels due to her calling 'General Syndulla' in Rogue One. The rest is up for speculation.

Ezra's Growth in the Force

Ezra's path and journey has come a long, long, long way to becoming the Jedi he needs to be for Lothal and the Ghost Crew. From streetrat, to crew member, to Jedi, to lieutenant, in the rebellion. He has grown so much into the capable young man we want to see him become. From the early stages in season one, honing his abilities and learning to work with others. Season two, continuing to balance his responsibilities and learning his parent's fate. Season 3, battling the temptations of the dark side, training Sabine to learn to wield the darksaber and meeting the legendary Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi with the confrontation of Maul.

Now concluding with the fourth and final season, we will see his deeper connection with the force. As Pablo Hidlgo said in Rebels Recon back in season 2, he can connect to others better than other Jedi.

Whats in store with the Lothwolfs? Will we see him connecting to them like he did with the purgell? We see one shot where he has the deep connection the way he did back in season 2. After all we see him riding one will a not-so-awake Sabine. Then the ability of when and when not to fight as Kanan has preached since the beginning of season. “maybe we are choosing the wrong way”. What does Ezra mean when he says that?

Does Ashoka have a twist in this?


In the final season, it is such a treat to see the classic Rebel fighters, the X-wings. With Hera and Chopper flying one of those it makes it surreal. It will be cool to see a showdown between Skerris in his Tie Defender and Hera in her X-wing. Go Rebels Go!!

Chopper's Meaning of His Undercover

One more thing.......Chopper's undercover paint job. Im a huge Maple leafs fan so I gotta mention this. Canadian here!

“ The black and gold of his beloved Penguins, winners of the Stanley Cup for two years running.......He gets a black-and-yellow look because wearing orange is too much like the Flyers,” Filoni says. “When you win back-to-back Cups, you can do what you want.”


The beginning of the end of Rebels starts October 16th.

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